
Xen Data is a global provider of professional data storage solutions optimized for creative video, medical imaging, video surveillance and other applications that require very high capacity file storage. XenData's Cloud File Gateway is the basis for Facilis Technology's Object Cloud, and XenData Archive Series powers Facilis Object LTO. Each provide object storage on the desktop of our customers workstations, tracked and restored as active media by FastTracker or through the volume directory structure. See Facilis Object Cloud & LTO for more details.

The only way to get the advanced XenData cloud and LTO caching on a shared storage server is through Facilis. A Facilis Virtual Volume serves as cache for LTO and Cloud backup and archive, with FastTracker indexing and proxy generation extending the functionality of the preview and partial restore process. Cloud cache licenses start at 10TB, and Object LTO be used with a small LTO8 Library and a 100GB volume as cache, or a large nearline cache of 100+TB and 48-slot dual-tape LTO8 library, all connected directly and hosted on the Facilis Server.